Wednesday, 12 May 2010

TS precedents for Ruo

Here are some precedents which might help you.

Herzog & de Meuron , FÜNF HÖFE. Five Business Passages in Munich

Abalos & Herreros, Public Library in Usera

Herzog & de Meuron , Forum 2004 Building and Plaza


Jonathan Dawes said...

Ruo- solid, matt materials and dark, reflective, shiny materials contrasting to create specific effects. Review these projects, their details, relevance to your own ambitions. Let's review Friday. Best- J

ruo said...

Fumi and Jonathan: Thank you for posting these fantastic references, see you tomorrow

i am currently working on the section and plan and have got some detail references about panels/material and i will have the 3 things ready for discuss tomor. 01-plan and route
02-section of existing programs and how to interact nd relink by new path.
03-simply patterns by physical sketch models


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