Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Reading List

AA Intermediate Unit 6 2009-10/ Reading List


Camouflage Neil Leach MIT, 2006

Disruptive Pattern Material:An Encyclopaedia of Camouflage:
Nature, Military and Culture
Hardy Blechman (Ed) DPM Ltd (BVI), 2004

Animal Camouflage E.M. Stephenson Pelican Books, 1947

Adaptive Coloration in Animals Hugh Cott Methuen, 1940

Camouflage Tim Newark Thames & Hudson, 2007

False Colors: Art, Design and Modern Camouflage Roy R Behrens Bobolink Books 2002

Camoupedia Roy R Behrens Bobolink Books 2009


The Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping Rem Koolhaas (editor)Taschen, 2001

Empire of Signs
Roland Barthes Hill & Wang, 1982

Made in Tokyo Momoyo Kaijima,
Junzo Kuroda and Yoshiharu Tsukamoto Kajima Institute Publishing, 2001


Earth Moves Bernard Cache MIT Press, 1995

The Virtual Dimension John Beckman, Editor Princeton, 2001

Envisioning Information Edward R. Tufte Graphics Press, 2001

Visual Explanations Edward R. Tufte Graphics Press, 1997

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