Wednesday, 19 May 2010

The top one is a development from the bottom one to bring back the element of going from one side and shifting to another within the shop. Where ive highlighted blue (underneath the landing) on the 2nd drawing could be an entrance to the open kitchen where the Patisserie staffs could get in and out. And the strips do not go right up to the ceiling but merge into one surface.

I think i quite like how there could be the entrance underneath the stairs but may be it does look better when the strips continue right up to the ceiling (bottom one) . And may be add more strips to the landing part so the whole form looks more connected. Pls let me know what you think of the revised design.


fumi said...

Hi, Kit! I think the staircase looks very elegant, and the the entrance underneath the stairs is working well!
Regarding the stripes and the ceiling, I personally prefer the bottom option(continuous strips option), which you could have lights coming through from the gaps inbetween the stripes in the ceiling. Think about the spatial qualities you could archive from the both options. Keep going!

Jonathan Dawes said...

Hi Kit- interesting progress.Try and clarify what creates the most interesting situations between the two progrSMS- set up the most significant views and test what they conceal or reveal. Try to add more info to the model- Walls, slabs, balustrades, figures etc to give scale also- best J

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