Saturday, 15 May 2010

preliminary skin sketch model +new ideas

the initial skin is a series of brick facets with openings (marked in blue) between facets to let light inside
in elevation, the facets peel away to create the openings much in the same way as the interior quetta bond peels away to create an intermediate space between the two layers of the wall

viewed frontally from carnaby street, one doesn't see the openings in the façade, only the facets that mask the perception of depth

viewed obliquely along beak street, the façade begins to open up and the depth of different facets can be understood (or not depending on the surface grain of the brick pattern for each facet) and the gaps between facets begin to be understood creating a more changeable experience of the surface like some of my foil models.

having built this model, I am starting to understand better the issues discussed at my tutorial of how the skin shouldn't be one element pasted onto the building but rather something that shifts between floors and overlaps to bring some of the interior vocabulary of the 'intermediate space' towards the façade.

My next step will be to model this new façade in 3d but do you think it is worth building another paper physical model or rather go back to exploring in section how the new façade can interact with the adjacent spaces and then make some decisions after that?

I think once I model the new façade in 3d and am happier with the nature of the spaces behind it, I could start to think about the brick pattern grain and how that can be unwrapped and rewrapped onto the façade - similar to the process used when making my foil models?


Jonathan Dawes said...

Hi Manijeh- another breakthrough I think! This scale of operation reveals the potential of the 'mask' and all the opportunities in relation to front views vs. oblique glimpses. I would spend another couple of days oscillating between computer 3D and physical- allowing these ideas to infiltrate the rest of the section- then revert back... let's catch up Tuesday to discuss the implications... Best- J

manijeh said...

hi Jonathan,
thanks for the feedback. Ive been working on the 3d model and will try to make another sketch model to test the updated effects. hopefully I will also be able to test the pattern on the facade as well as some of the sectional qualities by tuesday. see you then.
- m

Dagobert Bergmans said...

Great to see the progress, the project is staring to come alive! You are creating real spaces with the mediating brick walls, that create misperceptions of depth and create intermediate spaces (wounds?)
Keep flipping between papermodelmaking/ 3d and section.

Jonathan Dawes said...

M. If you're starting the pattern, I think that it should definitely unify the ruptured elements of the skin- to maintain the illusion... just a thought- J

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