Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Ambiguous Surfaces / Test 01

Some sketches of surface behaviours for smith court's entrance. Using two surfaces qualities (one is extension of existing (adaptive), the other belongs to department store). They both act as volumes/mass while one is only a huge void conducting light to the basement and existing spaces. They also overlap as they are continuous further behind one another, giving some signs of path and mouvement to users. 
These are quite quick to do so i'll do them for all entrances on site (5) and then the inside of the court. So I can have a overview of every part of the site, so I can do Drawing n°1 and continue on a more specific location (other drawings).
Feedback more then welcome! Thanks.

1 comment:

Jonathan Dawes said...

Antoine- what kinds of spatiality are you trying to create? How do the different adjacencies trigger different effects, situations, topologies, collisions, continuities, overlaps etc? I think that your drawings should be able to describe these qualities and explore each situation with a bold tectonic language. Try to make a statement that repositions the project again for the final phase- thanks for posting- J

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