Saturday, 27 February 2010

Interim Review 26.02.10

Ruo discussed potentials of Soho courtyard spaces

Chen colonises Brewer Street Car Park

Antoine summarises camouflage principles to critics- including (from left) Stephen Sinclair and Douglas Ardhern. Thanks for all of your input!

Site identified with varying adjacencies

Ula describes circulation to Golden Sq Library

Jinuk analyzes decoration and exposure in relation to dazzle

Samo positions 2d and 3d dazzle along Berwick Street

Manijeh occupies the world of Saatchi

Royce describes the journey through Beak Street

.... and questions the tranquility of Kingly Court

Kit considers exposure on Great Windmill Street

Thursday, 18 February 2010


begin with DIP 9 Iconic Fictions
Inter 12 Pop Vernacular

Inter 5 Dwarf Village

Tutors and guest jury Chris Lee, quite serious mood...
Looks so Lonely where is my family!!!
Unit 6 Camouflage, more serious face ^ ^
Inter 11 Latent Territories
After presentaion, Discussion of tutor and guest jury.
This talking was quite hot debate between inter 1 and inter 11.
It was constructive critics for us to develope further progress.
Also good oppurtunity to understand whar we are doing and to find where we are.
I hope we have small discussion about the comments from OPEN Jury to crystalise our new brief asap.
Thanks tutors and guest juries

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